Kazakhstan Office

Almaty office:

A05E2Y2, 134/62 Zheltoksan St.,
3rd floor, office 1, door phone 1
+7 (727) 291 41 08

Astana office:
Z05H9H0, 1 Dostyk St.,
office 63
+7 (7172) 26 64 40


Our work

Young Leadership Program (YouLP)

Young Leadership Program (YouLP)

Young Leadership Program (YouLP) is a knowledge-sharing program consisting of modules dedicated to various themes.


Foreign and Regional Integration

Foreign and Regional Integration

The program for Foreign and Regional Integration at FES Kazakhstan focuses on a broad range of issues, including the future of multilateralism, regional integration and collective security, regional trade connectivity, putting special attention on the issues of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany/European Union.


Labor and Social Justice

Labor and Social Justice

As part of programs to support the trade union movement, the FES following the basic principles of social democracy: justice, and solidarity, initiates and promotes the strengthening of dialogue between various actors, advises representatives of trade union organizations.


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