Our work

Ädil Qala - Just City

Ädil Qala - Just City

ÄdilQala aims to promote a new, humane urban development paradigm in Kazakhstan. It is about social justice in city life and development. More

Young Leadership Program (YouLP)

Young Leadership Program (YouLP)

Young Leadership Program (YouLP) is a knowledge-sharing program consisting of modules dedicated to various themes. More

Foreign and Regional Integration

Foreign and Regional Integration

The program for Foreign and Regional Integration at FES Kazakhstan focuses on a broad range of issues, including the future of multilateralism, regional integration and collective security, regional trade connectivity,... More

Labor and Social Justice

Labor and Social Justice

Issues of sustainability and strength of labor relations, maintaining a balance of interests of employees and the employer, creating such working conditions when the risk of labor conflicts is minimal, are becoming... More

Kazakhstan Office

Almaty office:

A05E2Y2, 134/62 Zheltoksan St.,
3rd floor, office 1, door phone 1
+7 (727) 291 41 08

Astana office:
Z05H9H0, 1 Dostyk St.,
office 63
+7 (7172) 26 64 40


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