FES Kazakhstan
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in Kazakhstan
In 1993, the first Resident Representative of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) was sent to Almaty to open an office from which all further activities would be coordinated. A first official agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung was signed. FES has been continuously working in Kazakhstan ever since.
Throughout its presence in Kazakhstan, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has collaborated with a wide array of partners, ranging from universities, civil society, and non-governmental organizations to trade unions, government departments and bodies, local communities and think tanks. Our cooperation with Kazakh partners continues to be based on our values of Social Democracy. In Kazakhstan, the region and in more than 100 offices around the world, we work for social justice, democracy, solidarity and to build transnational networks and progressive coalitions between individuals and organizations.
With our partners in Kazakhstan, FES works on different domestic, regional and global issues. We strive to enable and strengthen social and gender justice as well as political participation. Together with young people, we develop ideas for shaping a better future. We act towards strengthening the representation of workers' interests by means of educational programs and continues dialog platforms. We support the further development of the Kazakhstani legal code and the strengthening of rule of law.
The overall focus of our work in Kazakhstan is to support progressive political, social and economic processes in society and enable an understanding between Germany and Kazakhstan. We support the continues reform process of Kazakhstan and see ourselves as a platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas.
Video FES Kazakhstan 2021
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Our work
Kazakhstan Office
Almaty office:
A05E2Y2, 134/62 Zheltoksan St.,
3rd floor, office 1, door phone 1
Astana office:
Z05H9H0, 1 Dostyk St.,
office 63