Friday, 13.05.2022 - Panel Discussion

Social Justice and Fair Development of the City of Almaty

How does the city of Almaty develop? Is the city citizen-oriented? What are the examples and best practices of Almaty's urban transformation? These and other related questions were discussed by the experts during the "Social Justice and Fair Development of the City of Almaty" Panel Discussion on 13 May 2022.

How does the city of Almaty develop? Is the city citizen-oriented? What are the examples and best practices of Almaty's urban transformation? These and other related questions were discussed by the experts during the "Social Justice and Fair Development of the City of Almaty" Panel Discussion on 13 May 2022.

Anel Moldahmetova, Kuat Akizhanov, Togzhan Kozhaly and Adil Nurmakov shared their experiences and insights on various issues. Event guests took active part as well, by breaking into teams and presenting the principles of the 'city that we want' to each other. Event organizers: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Kazakhstan and URBAN FORUM Kazakhstan.

Watch our short video about the event!

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